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Sporting Opportunities at Comberton

Our role at Comberton is to develop our children to have the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

Spring 1 2025

To start off this term, a selection of Year 4 children took part in the 'Celebration of Inclusive Sports' event held at Baxter College on Friday 17th January. The children were able to participate in a range of multi-skills activities and had a lots of fun trying these different sports!


Autumn 2 2024

On Friday 15th November, 28 Year 5's and 6's went to take part in KS2 Cross Country Event. Both year groups finished 5th overall out of 8 schools. All children showed great effort and sportsmanship!

Autumn 1 2024

Autumn 1 began with a group of Year 4 children going to a Tag Rugby Festival who won all of their matches! Well done Year 4.

On Monday 21st October, a team of Year 5 and 6 children went to a Football Festival. They showed really impressive determination after playing well but losing the first three games. They managed to shake themselves off to go on to win the last three games, going from last to a respectable mid-table (5th from 10).


Our Sports Houses

Tweddle Scott
Rashford Farah

At the end of each of our PE units, pupils in Years 3,4,5 and 6 participate in a competitive activity in their houses to earn points. We all get very excited to find out which house is leading each half term!

Sport House Results 

Spring 1 2024 

1st = Tweddle (31 points) 
2nd = Farah (12 points) and Rashford (12 points) 

3rd = Scott (11 points)

Year 5 competed in a tennis tournament. 

Year 6 competed in a dodgeball tournament. 

Autumn 2 2023 

1st = Tweddle (34 points)

2nd = Farah (21 points)

3rd = Rashford (19 points)

4th = Scott (18 points)

Year 3 competed in a Tag Rugby tournament. 

Year 4 competed in a Hockey tournament. 

Year 6 competed in Tri-Golf and Dodgeball competitions. 

The children were engaged in earning points for their house. 

Sports Day July 2024

Everyone enjoyed 2 full days of sports at Comberton.  There was a fantastic turn out of supporters to cheer along the children from Nursery through to year 6 for their annual sports day.  The children showed excellent athletic talent as well as great sportsmanship. 

Netball Team Win! 10/07/24

Congratulations to our netball team for taking part in an after-school netball tournament through Wyre Forest Sports Partnership. They won each and every one of their games by a considerable amount and then went on to win the entire tournament!  Superstars!  

Summer 1 2024

Summer 1 began with 12 children from LKS2 attending a Hockey festival where they were able to practise lots of skills related to the sport.  On Wednesday 24th April, 12 Year 6 pupils attended a West Mercia Police tag rugby tournament. They played multiple matches against schools from the area. 

Spring 2 2024 

A group of Year 5 attended a Dodgeball competition and worked as a team in matches. 

Some girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 (who had an interest in netball and had attended netball club) watched a Severn Stars Netball match and even got to meet the players! What an experience!

A group of girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 attended a Girls' Football Festival as part of the Biggest Ever Football Session (a national initiative). To coincide with International Women’s Day, a record-breaking 465,000 girls from 5000 schools across England will take part in the FA and Barclays’ third Biggest Ever Football Session today, as part of the Let Girls Play campaign. They did ladder fitness, penalty shoot outs,  exercises with the ball as well as skills (dribbling, passing and throw ins). 

24 children from Year 6 attended at indoor Athletics event at Stourport Netball Dome. They took part in a variety of track and field events against children from a range of schools in the area. A great time was had by all and the children represented our school extremely well. 

All of Year 6 took part in a Dance Festival at Baxter College. They had worked over the half term to choreograph routines to songs from Aladdin. They performed these as part of the festival as well as having the opportunity to watch dances from different schools. 

Spring 1 2024

Spring 1 began with a Celebration of Inclusive Sport Event for a group of Year 4 children.  The children had the opportunity to engage in a range of new activities and games whilst representing school. 

In February, the Year 1 girls took part in a family festival focusing on football skills. 

Spring 1 also saw the start of weekly Harriers sessions to engage the children in sport and having fun. By Easter, each class from Years 1 - 5 will have had an hour session. 

Autumn 2023

We have had an amazing start to the year and attended a range of festivals, leagues and competitions. Our children have represented the school with pride and achieved some fantastic results. 

In October, some Year 5 and 6 boys competed in the WFSSP Football League. They came 4th overall. 

Also, later that month, 1SW attended a KS1 Multiskills festival at King Charles. It was a wonderful opportunity for some of the younger children in the school to participate in sport. 

Our Year 5/6 netball team to the WFSSP Netball League and placed 2nd. They played fantastically as a team and really did the school proud. 

In the NLT 6-a-side Football Tournament for boys, our Year 5 and 6 boys placed 1st in their group and 4th overall. It was a narrow miss in the semi-finals on penalties - a great effort! 

In the NLT 6-a-side Football Tournament for girls, our Year 5 and 6 girls 4th in their group which was an improvement on last year. 

In line with our Sport Premium priorities, opportunities to take part in a competitive sports as well as a wide range of sporting experiences has been our focus .  Read about some of the fantastic opportunities our children had in 2022-23.

Summer 2

Summer 2 got off to a great start with some YR4 pupils taking part in a tennis competition. Our year 5 and 6 boys football team took part in a KPSA football tournament.  Our Reception children all took part in balanceability where a specialist coach worked with the children developing their core strength and co-ordination as they weaved their way through obstacles on the balance bikes.  We held a grand total of 8 sports days so that every year group (including Nursery) had the opportunity to take part in a large scale sporting event.  Hundreds of  families attended and many even joined in and showed great sportsmanship during our parent races! 

Summer 1

The half term started with a group of 10 YR6 children taking part in an all day tag rugby event. Some YR4 children also took part in a tri-golf morning.  Pupils from year 4 completed level 1 bikeability and year 5 completed level 2.  Year 6 visited Bell Heath Boundless Outdoors for a 3 day residential filled with outdoor and adventurous activities. 

Spring 2

Some girls from YR6 were lucky enough to take part in a football festival as part of celebrating girls taking part in the sport.  The WFSSP Netball League took place over 3 weeks in March and the YR5/5 girls practised their skills and gameplay with Mr T to achieve 1st place - how fantastic! A group of YR6 boys and girls represented Comberton in an U11 athletics event. They took part in a variety of events including running, throwing and jumping. The term ended with all of Year 6 travelling to Baxter College to take part in a dance festival. The children had worked hard in their PE lessons with Mrs Phillips to create imaginative pieces.

Spring 1

Some children in Year 2 have taken part in a multi-sports event where they had the opportunity to try different traditional sports. In addition, a group of Year 5 pupils took part in a dodgeball event at the Stourport Dome.  

Autumn 2

We have had a great start to Autumn 2 with Year 5 and 6 girls taking part in a Football tournament where they came fourth. 14 children in Year 6 also represented the school in a Cross Country with some brilliant results - some children have even qualified for the next stage of competition! Year 6 Spots Crew have also helped organise and put on an autumnal sensory walk for younger pupils. Finally, some children in LKS2 were lucky enough to take part in a Kho-Kho event. We have continued to work with the Harriers all term and even had a visit from a professional footballer for a Q&A session. 

Autumn 1

We've been keen to stay fit and active this term and have enjoyed a range of sports during our PE lessons. In 6CJ, the children have had sessions with Kidderminster Harriers  focusing on a healthy lifestyle and Year 5 have been swimming weekly. 

We've also competed in various 'house' school competitions (tag rugby and football) and it's close between each of the houses with Redgrave taking the win this half term. 

This half term we have taken parts in lots of different sports: Year 2 have taken part in a multi-skills festival, boys in Years 5 and 6 have taken part in an after-school football league where we came second, some children in LSK2 have taken part in a Tag Rugby tournament and some children in Years 4 and 5 had a go at Volleyball .  Year 6 have also enjoyed learning to be Play Leaders and set up daily activities for KS1 on the playground. 



Spring 2 2023 - Well done to the Year 5/6 Netball team who came first in the league. 

Spring - Kidderminster Harriers have been working with children across KS2 in Spring 1. Year 5 were even lucky enough to have some of the players visit.

Autumn 2 - Sensory Walk. Children from Years 1, 2 and 4 took part in activities using different senses: hugging trees, bark rubbing, jumping in piles of leaves, listening to the birds and making a leaf wand.

Activities we have enjoyed in the past

Sports Premium

Why not have a go at these summer activities to keep active during school holidays?