Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
We are so happy to welcome you back to the start of your exciting journey in Year 2!
Working alongside Mrs Heath is Mrs Dusconi, Mrs Moore and Miss Sargent. Mrs Hartley will teach in Mrs Heath's class on a Friday.
Working alongside Mrs Watkins is Miss Hyrons, Miss Hollick and Miss Gribben. Mr Price will teach in Mrs Watkins' class on Thursday mornings.
Please click the class links to the left (laptop) or at the bottom of the page (mobile) to see our school photos.
At Comberton we are always trying to show that we are READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE which is how we reflect on our expected behaviours.
Our PE day will be Monday and you will need to come to school wearing your school PE kit (white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers and trainers) on this day each week. In cold weather make sure you wear your joggers and a fleece. Please remember to name all of your kit.
Reading is very important in Year 2. You will read regularly in school, as part of a group in guided reading and individually. We ask that adults at home hear you read at least 3 times every week and note this in your reading record so that you can earn rewards.
If you have any questions for us you can email us at and we’ll try our best to answer them.
If you have been working hard at home and have creations or successes you'd like to share in school, please upload them onto Seesaw.
Thank you for taking the time to read our page.
Mrs Heath and Mrs Watkins
Key Information
- PE - Year 2 will enjoy PE lessons on Monday and children will need to come dressed in their PE kit (proper kit please) on this day.
Reading book and reading record – Please bring these to school every day. When you have read your book, put it in the finished book basket. The teacher or teaching assistant will decide when you need to change your book .
Homework – Please read at home a minimum of 3 times a week and login to Numbots at least twice a week.
- A good attitude – we have lots to learn and we need to show good listening, determination, perseverance, tolerance, respect, collaboration and most importantly we need to take responsibility for our own learning.