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Nursery Information

We are pleased to welcome you and your family as prospective members of our community and look forward to a happy and successful association. Choosing your child’s Nursery is an important family decision and we would like to extend an invite so that you can begin to feel part of our welcoming atmosphere, where all children feel safe and can thrive.

Our environment is lively and stimulating and we take pride in maintaining attractive, orderly surroundings for children to work in. Above all, our staff team is ready and eager to work with you and your children in order to get the most from them, enriching and enhancing their talents whilst developing the whole child.

Further information and application packs are available via our school office: 01562 754704


The most important people as far as your children are concerned are our staff, who are all dedicated and caring. Our Nursery is led by a qualified teacher who works alongside Nursery Assistants who hold a level 3 (or higher) qualification.  Additional training is available for all staff to continue their professional development, keep up with new initiatives and to consolidate their areas of expertise.

Nursery Teacher: Miss MacKelvie

Nursery Assistants: Mrs Keeling  

Miss MacKelvie (Nursery Teacher)
Mrs Keeling (Teaching Assistant)

Nursery Admissions

Children become eligible for our Nursery when they reach their third birthday. For the majority of children they would start with us in the term after they turn three (September, January or April).

Nursery Times

Times of Nursery Sessions:  

Morning: 8.45 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

Lunchtime Session: 11.45am - 12.15pm

Afternoon: 12.15pm - 3.15 p.m.

Free Hours and Charging

Every 3 year old is eligible for nursery funding for at least 15 hours per week. Some parents will meet the criteria in order to be eligible for 30 hours free childcare. Further information regarding this can be obtained from the school.

Children select either a ‘morning’ or ‘afternoon’ place as their main session and, in order to make it manageable for us as a school, we ask that you attend each of these sessions. In addition to this you are then able to use your additional funded hours, or purchase extra sessions at our Nursery, up to a maximum of 32.5 hours per week. Additional hours are charged at £5.10 per hour and we recommend that these are booked at the start of the term.

For example if you were not eligible for 30 funded hours -  a child who attended every morning and then for 3 additional lunchtime/afternoon sessions would be eligible for the morning sessions free and then would be charged for the 3 afternoons and lunchtimes (10.5 hours x £5.10) totalling £53.55 per week for 25.5 hours attendance.

Nursery Uniform

In order that our children feel part of the whole school, we have introduced a nursery uniform. This consists of:

· White polo shirt

· Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo (crew neck or v-neck)

· Choice of trousers or skirt


*stockists for the sweatshirt are: The School Shop, Prospect Hill, Kidderminster - Tel: 01562 823763


We are required by law to keep detailed absence records.  Therefore, if your child is absent from school please telephone or contact the school on the first day of absence. 


Nursery Application Form

  • A Nursery application form can also be obtained from the school office.