Sports Crew
Comberton Sports Crew
Our Sports Crew has been developed to provide our children with a 'voice' for choosing the activities and sports events which take place in school. They also have a role in promoting both the school's and the school games values. Each class from Years 4 - 6 has elected a male and female Sports Crew representative and they meet regularly with Miss Jeavons to organise events and activities.
Their role includes:
- Being a ‘leader’ in PE and promoting physical activity.
- Demonstrating the school games values every day and encouraging us to live healthy lives.
- Suggesting ideas for breaktime and lunchtime physical activities.
- Helping to organise activities (such as sports events) for other children in the school.
- Regular meetings with Miss Jeavons to share the views of Comberton pupils.
Autumn 2023
Sports Crew have met twice this term. Firstly, they have delivered a briefing to Year 1, 3 and 5 about the Active Lives survey the school was invited to participate in. The Sports Crew representatives put together a script with Miss Jeavons and then delivered this to the relevant classes. They spoke knowledgeably and confidently and showed the positive attitude they have towards their role. In addition, they collected suggestions from their classes about new names for the Comberton Sport Houses. They discussed the ideas at a meeting and we came to decide on the 4 new name: Rashford, Scott, Farah and Tweddle.